Class officers
Class officers must organize and facilitate activities for the enjoyment of their
Bring ideas and opinions from classmates and liaison with the teacher or student Council Rep
Demonstrate leadership, initiative and comradery
Attend mandatory meeting and activities.
Advisor Homeroom teachers
​Student-Led Organization Leaders/Sports Team Captains
Student organization leaders and team captains are responsible for providing all
aspects of leadership and are responsible for their own actions and the actions of
their members. These roles are vital to ensure that required duties are complete
and the club organization/team remains a viable part of the BHS community.
Lead club/sports team
Attend meetings, practice and games
Pep rally
Prefects are expected to establish and maintain the highest standards of behavior,
attitude, and appearance at all times and provide a positive role model for other
pupils. They are appointed each year to undertake various roles and
responsibilities around the school. Look out for the student application for the
2021-2022 intake! Advisor: Mrs. J.Francisco/Ms. L.Duncan
Peer Helpers
Peer helpers serve as mentors, mediators, and advocates for their peers and assist
new students in transitioning to BHS. Peer Helpers can fill the void for students
who need time and attention to help guide them through their education. Look out
for the student application for the 2021-2022 intake! Advisor: Mrs. W. Martinez
Participate in training sessions
Coordinate Virtual Lunches amongst peers, Valentine's Day Activity, wellness activities
Conduct one service project per semester
Honor Society (by invitation only)
The Honor Society organization at BHS promotes leadership, service, character,
and academics. At the end of the second semester of a student’s freshman year
Sophomore, Juniors, and Seniors) of high school, he or she will be eligible for
membership. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5+. Membership must be
renewed yearly; active participation and grade level achievements are required to
maintain membership. The invitation will be sent in mid-September to eligible
Coordinate Tutoring Program
Plan and implement Water Initiative Advocacy
Students must embody and demonstrate the BHS Honor Society Values for the
entire year; therefore, we urge you to take the decision to be a part of the
Honor Society seriously.
Student Council
To promote the interests of students among the administration, staff, and parents. To identify and help solve problems encountered by BHS students. To consult students on any issue of importance. To organize educational and recreational activities for students. Student Orientation School-wide initiative program (hurricane relief, fundraising events) Coordinate events such as Prom, Parents' Night, Talent show, etc.